September 15, 2017

8 Months Old – Baby Kinsley

It is official, Kinsley is 8 months old today.

It is crazy to see how much she has changed since birth. In 8 short months she has rolled over, sit up, crawled and now trying to stand up on everything she can get her hands on. When I think about it, what have I done in the last 8 months that has been so momentous? lol Well, yes I had a baby but after she was born. It seems like I should be able to fly or something compared to the amount Kinsley has accomplished.

Over the last few months there have been lots of funny and memorable moments as well. Here are a few that stick out:

  • Kinsley’s loves the recycle bin. She crawls into the kitchen, grabs it, pushes it over and plays with whatever is inside. The other day her favourite toy for the day was a Skittles bag.
  • Her favourite bath time toys are cups I got in university. They are plastic and colourful. She loves them.
  • She loves to open mouth kiss you. Sometimes there is a lot of drool, which is a little gross.
  • Her hair has finally grown back. For 2 months, it looked like she was balding on the sides. Everyone always asked me if I cut her hair.
  • Her favourite song is ‘Delta Dawn’. An oldie but a goodie.
  • She loves to climb on your back. If you lay down on the ground she gets very excited and crawls all over you.
  • Kinsley loves water. If she is cranky, all I need to do is walk into the bathroom and turn the tap on and she starts smiling.
  • She loves the kitchen floor. I’m not too sure what it is, but she loves it.
  • Her favourite car toy is Mini Mouse. She will fall asleep holding her hand, very cute.
  • She loves food. Everything I have given to her she loves. She is a good eater, for the time being.

Below are some photos to mark the occasion. It is the end of summer and I want to soak up as many sunny days as I can before the rain comes.

Her lovely sweater is from Grandma and Grandpa. I love it. Made by Miou Clothing.



8 month old

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