April 18, 2015

Chelsea and Adam {Whonnock Lake Wedding}

On April 11th Chelsea and Adam got married! Woot Woot. It was gorgeous and both the bride and groom looked stunning!  I had one wedding in January but this wedding officially kicked off the wedding season for me! I’m so excited for the upcoming months and all the other weddings I get to photograph in 2015. 

This wedding took place at Whonnock Lake – one of my all time favorite locations to take photos. I might be a little biased because I grew up in Whonnock but it is honestly one of the best places in Maple Ridge to take photos. There are mountains, a lake, tall trees, as beach and two docks. What more can you ask for!

I loved the colours of this wedding – green and purple. It reminded me a lot of my sister’s wedding. Who would of though that green and purple go so well together but they do! I also liked all the wood elements that were incorporated. It blended in really nicely with the environment and the natural rustic charm of Whonnock Hall.

My favorite moment of the wedding is when the bride and her father danced. They were both tearing up me which made me get a little misty.

Enjoy and stay tuned for photos from Mexico! I get to photograph my first wedding in Mexico at the end April! I can’t wait to take photos in a hot tropical location!

Congrats to the newlyweds and enjoy your new life together.

Thanks and enjoy the photos!


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